By Elizabeth K. Fischer

What is in it for your customer to do business with you? How do you answer that question? Do you answer that question from your customer’s point of view? Find out what customers want from marketing. Discover the secret to unlocking the hidden treasure within your customers about your business. Learn how to use what you learn to do more profitable marketing and to increase the profits in your business.

Just What Is in It for Your Customer to Do Business with You?

“Packed with street smarts and case studies that show the ONLY way to make money in any business is to focus on the people. Read this one!” Dr. Joe Vitale, author, The Attractor Factor.

“Elizabeth Fischer explores marketing from the exact standpoint from which it should be explored — the customer’s. She reminds you that marketing is never about you, but about the customer. And every customer knows it. Her new book lets you know it, too.” Jay Conrad Levinson, The Father of Guerrilla Marketing, author of the Guerrilla Marketing series of books, over 14 million sold; now in 43 languages.”


“This book is wonderfully wise! As a business person, you will enjoy this book. You will learn that it is your responsibility to earn your customer’s confidence and not expect your customer’s patronage. This is a long-gone expectation. This book will help you learn how to be successful in doing just that.” Robert Popelka, Director of Retail Advertising, Reinhart Companies, La Crosse, WI


  1. Part 1 What’s in It for Me?
  2. No Name Customer Opening
  3. The “Wrong” Me
  4. Developing a Customer
  5. How to Grow Your Business
  6. Focus on Your Customer
  7. Junk Food Marketing
  8. Your Customer Has All the Answers
  9. Communication Is the Key
  10. Part 2 What “I” Want
  11. Tell the Truth
  12. Give the Whole Story…
  13. Share Your Knowledge
  14. Live Up to Your Promises
  15. Translate What’s in It for Me
  16. Refrain from Using Jargon
  17. Skip the Cliches
  18. Be Quick to Respond, Deliver…
  19. Make It Easy and Convenient…
  20. Seek Me Out
  21. Cultivate Me as a Customer
  22. Treat Me as a VIP
  23. Give Me Personal Attention in Service
  24. What I Want
  25. Part 3 How to Talk to Me
  26. Why Don’t Business People Talk…
  27. What Asking Your Customer Does
  28. Ask Me
  29. Form Questions That Answer Your Questions
  30. Ask Your Customer Your Questions
  31. Tell Me
  32. Maintain Contact with Me
  33. No Name Customer Closing

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