Our Latest Book Releases:

Trouble at the North Pole

Alex Malone had had enough.  He was tired of maintaining that Santa existed when he could never see him.  He decided to prove that Santa didn’t exist, initiating a media campaign and a sponsored contest challenging children to “catch” Santa Christmas Eve.  Santa found out and asked Eliza to help him handle the situation.  Her suggestions led Santa, Teeny Tiny Elf, and everyone at the North Pole on an adventure they will always remember – and so will Alex.

“In Trouble at the North Pole, Santa emerges from the mists of poetry and childhood imagination into a real life person.  Santa uses technology and magic and ELVES, to shift human perceptions to align with love, acceptance, and forgiveness.  I never really believed Santa was make-believe, and, after reading Trouble, I KNOW he is a force that exists in all the goodness and joy that resides in the Human Spirit.  Thanks, Elizabeth Fischer, for bringing him into the Light! ” Kathleen LeDuc


The Last Christmas Tree

Did you know Santa rescues hundreds of Christmas trees left on the lot Christmas Eve because they hadn’t found a home? When Santa and Teeny Tiny Elf picked up the last Christmas tree of the season, they unintentionally set in motion events that would change their lives forever. As the events unfolded, mysteries were solved, danger threatened from an unknown source, and unexpected occurrences tipped their world upside down..

Be ready for some hair raising episodes and some delightful entertainment by the characters in this Eliza book. The story delves into the mysterious world of Energy and the Natural World to reveal deep truths that resonate in the hearts of human relationships. You will recoil at the darkness that infects Eliza’s journey to Truth as you revel in the Wonder and Light that blesses us all. – Kathleen LeDuc



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