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Monarch Tree Publishing

Mistakes I Made
Listen to an excerpt from
Mistakes I made My First Five Years in Business

Mistakes I made My First Five Years in Business (and How You Can Avoid Them)

A book written for entrepreneurs by an entrepreneur about the mistakes she made her first five years in business. Designed to help entrepreneurs avoid these mistakes, the book addresses traditional issues such as pricing , billing, agreements, and communication, as well as non-traditional issues such as losing focus, FREE, the power of no, friends: love ‘em and leave ‘em alone, desperation, committees, frustration, and follow-up.

Book Addresses Mistakes Made During the All Important First Five Years in Business

“I wish I had this book when I was starting out. It would have saved me time, energy, money, and many sleepless nights. It contains pure wisdom.” Joe Vitale, best-selling author of Spiritual Marketing

Jay Conrad Levinson, author of the Guerrilla Marketing series of books, recommends that “the two best ways not to be baffled by silly and common mistakes in business are (1) to make them yourself and learn from them, or (2) avoid them entirely by reading Elizabeth Fischer’s wonderfully readable and instructive book. It’s as enlightening as it is amusing.”


Down-to-earth, practical advice for the new or frustrated business owner. Mistakes I made My First Five Years in Business (and How You Can Avoid Them) brings to light facets of being in business that business people struggle with everyday in the real world but that are not discussed in most business books and tapes. Problems that can blind side business people like dealing with friends, losing focus, the power of no, and handling desperation are dealt with in four particularly enlightening chapters. The chapter on pricing, a difficult subject for the small business owner takes a unique slant. The author has not only thought through, but lived through, these problems. She shares them in a conversational style gives the reader the feeling that the author is talking directly to him or her. Problems are explained in an understandable fashion and the suggested solutions to these problems can be easily implemented.


  1. How I Began My Business
  2. Friends...Love ‘em and Leave ‘em Alone
  3. Losing Focus
  4. FREE??
  5. The Power of No
  6. Pricing: You Can Always Go Down, But You Can’t Go Up.
  7. Contracts: Never Start Work without One.
  8. Billing: Get a Grip on It.
  9. Desperation Can Be a Paralyzing, Limiting Feeling.
  10. Communication: There’s Never Enough.
  11. Follow-up: The Key to Peace and Prosperity.
  12. Committees Have One Too Many Bosses.
  13. Frustration Is an Energizing Force.
  14. Mistakes: An Attitude of Gratitude

Price: $14.95 plus tax, shipping and handling.

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