Live! Comedy performance featuring some of his best comedy
routines. Larry keeps everyone laughing, at times to
the verge of tears.
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Larry and Father John Heagle's performance at Mabel Tainter in Menomonie.
Watch it whenever you want a laugh!
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Serious songs from Larry's Irish heart include the title song, his moving "Shelter in the Storm,"
his swinging "Rocket Action Oldsmobile," and more.
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A self-described "not really sane and not really sorry" comedian, Larry Heagle
is an entertainer who will make you laugh and leave you smiling. His performances
feature his comedy and original songs. To find out more about Larry,
please CLICK HERE!
Listen to Larry talk about
Rude, Crude, and Poor
Rude, Crude, and Poor CD
Larry Heagle's greatest skill as a songwriter and performer is to
direct our attention to the comedy that surrounds us. Your first
response to the obvious pleasure he derives from what he does for
a living is to wonder just what the hell he thinks is so funny?
Before too long, you find yourself in on the joke-it's you and us
and him-we're what's so damn funny. Viewed from that precious skewed
Heaglian angle, you can laugh at just about anything, and you had
better, too, or you'll be the most ridiculous person in the crowd!
Larry Heagle's songs almost always turn into sing-a-longs. You
find yourself singing along without being asked. After all, the songs
are about you, and you are a big part of the show. This album is true
to Larry's magnetic spirit. It is vintage Heagle, and with him it's
always a good year!
Bill Nolte
Proprietor, The Joynt
Eau Claire, Wisconsin
- Sweet Little Lady Yvonne
- Short Daddy
- Butthead Polka
- The Nose Song
- Irish Drinking Song
- 800-Talkin' Blues
- Bath Tub Song
- Vasectomy Song
- Iowa Ditch Weed
- Old Man's Lament
- The Wood Tick Song
Price: $15 plus tax, shipping and handling.